Improve Your Road Trip Health with FSA Eligible Products

If you have a flexible spending account (FSA) through your work, your benefit covers a huge range of qualifying medical products, many of which can help you and your loved ones stay healthy during a long car trip. Here are a few of our favorite FSA eligible travel essentials that will make for a more enjoyable journey this summer!

Neck Pillow

Sitting upright in a car seat for a long trip can literally be a pain in the neck. Neck pillows are a great option to keep your head stable during your trip to mitigate any pain and soreness in the neck so you can be pain-free by the time you reach your destination.

Check OutKanjō Memory Foam Acupressure Neck Pillow

Mineral Sunscreen

Wearing sunscreen is a must every day (rain or shine, no matter the season)! Did you know you should protect your skin year round for ultimate UV protection? Learn more about special mineral sunscreen from MDSolarSciences and shop for these with your FSA!

Check outMDSolarSciences

Acupressure Wrist Bands

Car sickness is a condition where the motion detected by the inner ear does not sync up with the motion that is visualized in front of them, which can lead to nausea and other forms of discomfort. Car sickness is most common in children aged 2 to 12, and one solution that may help them is acupressure wrist bands. These bands can be worn throughout the road trip and apply gentle pressure to a specific acupressure point in the wrist that can prevent nausea and stomach discomfort.

Check OutPsi Bands Acupressure Wrist Bands - Cherry Blossom

Relaxation Mask

These masks are designed to treat a variety of medical conditions that are imbued with fragrant oils and natural herbs that are ideal for treating sinus tension and headaches. On a road trip, these masks can provide calming relief to various forms of pain and discomfort that travellers often experience.

Check OutBed Buddy at Home Relaxation Mask (Lavender and Mint)

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers

Headaches, aches and pains can arise at any time, and during a long car trip you could be miles away from the nearest pharmacy or grocery store. Prepare ahead of time with your FSA funds by picking up common pain relievers like ibuprofen, acetaminophen and more before setting off on your trip.

Check OutAdvil Pain and Fever Reducer Coated Tablets, 200 mg

35 million Americans have FSAs, but only one place to shop:! Come explore the web's largest selection of FSA eligible products to maximize the potential of your employee benefits!

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